Friday, September 12, 2014

Descriptive Practice

Getting Test Results From a Doctor

The air is heavy in the room, the anticipation palpable and thick like chlorine in an indoor pool, sticking to it’s occupant’s hair and clothes and leaving a brand of fear. Everyone looks at magazines, or books they brought, or even texting away on their phones, but no one is fooled. Who can pay attention to such trivial things like knitting patterns and business deals here?


 The nature of the oncologist’s waiting room borders on animalistic, like making the roman gladiators scheduled to fight each other have a nice sit-down dinner together before entering the colosseum. Publicly they may all wish each other well, but deep in their minds they only care about getting out alive, regardless of the fate of the others.

Traveling 150 MPH

A sudden need to disregard the rules brought his pedal to the metal on that open country road. As he accelerated past 50, 100, 150, he felt the sheer and utter joy mixed with terror that came with breaking the law as well as pushing the limits of what is safe to do. He felt like a burglar who had just pulled off a diamond heist as he braked and pulled back on to the highway; tired, exhilarated, and a million dollars richer.

A Walk in the Rain

For some reason the rain always drove other people away, but not her. The rain cleared her head, and made everything sharper. It was like putting a giant pair of glasses over the entire world, and it always showed her what she was missing out on in her fast-paced life, even though she had never noticed how much she was missing before.

The Smell of a Tree Fort Twenty Years Later

As he stuck his head up into the tree fort through the hole in its floor the damp smell of rotting wood hit him hard and full on, like the had been breathing recycled air all his life and this was his first time getting a dose of the fresh stuff. So many memories were left within the small makeshift house, all now damp and covered in unidentifiable tree stuff. It reminded her, strangely, of a ship kept in a bottle, memories of a happy time, kept in a capsule and left to become dusty on a shelf.

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